Friday, September 10, 2010

Evening Thoughts

Smorgasbord of thoughts tonight:
  1. Kaya is all better now as far as her stomach is concerned.  However, after our evening spent in the mountains with Cuz S and J, she's itchy beyond repair!  I believe she came in contact with some allergen (stupid schnauzer skin...which I believe I will refer to from now on as the SSS) and has not stopped scratching!  I know what you are thinking.  "Umm...Caroline, she came in contact with the great outdoors.  How about flea infestation?"  Believe me, after having been around dogs for as long as I have, she would have to be COVERED in fleas to be itching this bad and I would DEFINITELY be able to see them if that was the case.  Plus, with her history of allergies, it's most likely an allergen.  She's going to the groomers tomorrow so hopefully, that will help.
  2. Movie of the evening: Finding Bliss.  This is a rated R film and I do not recommend it for all audiences.  If you think you may be interested, ask me first and I'll let you know if I think you'll like it.  I enjoyed it a lot but I've enjoyed almost every film I've seen.  Except for Bug and Birth.  The first: Bug is a terrible film which stars both Ashley Judd and Harry Connick Jr.  I Love Lady Judd.  I want that to be clear.  I think she's an adorable actress and let's face it: her portrayal of her character in Ya-ya was flawless.  And Mr. Connick Jr can croon his heart out to me any day of the week (plus he's RIPPED in this movie...yum).  However, that's where the positive ends.  Seriously.  It was difficult to watch this movie and as my dear lady friends, Jessie and Hilspa, watched alongside, we all cringed together and tried to decide if we should walk out or not.  I'm embarrassed to say that I was definitely cheering for this movie to start with.  By the mid point of the movie, I had realized what an incredible waste of money it was.  Best line ever: "I AM THE MOTHER BUG".  And that was the peak of the story.  My opinion of Birth: it took every ounce not to gauge out my ear drums with a sharpened pencil because of the disgusting drone of the trilling flute in the background through the whole movie.  Nicole Kidman, really?  The "Poignant" part of the film is when your adult character invites a minor into the bathtub?  Appalling to say the least.  Someone would hope that with her amazing depth of skill she'd be able to choose a better script but this film left me depressed for her.  The whole story line is so sad: woman loses husband, minor male shows up on her doorstep claiming to be her late husband and "knows" all these secrets about their marriage, strange and inappropriate emotional relationship start between woman and boy while woman's fiance begins to unravel because this is just too weird for him and I'm sure he knows the audience is getting lost in the weirdness, suddenly it's revealed that boy has found letters between late husband and his mistress (who, if I remember correctly is the wife of the woman's brother) and that's where he got all of the "secrets" from, and SCENE!  Okay there's a little more to it than that, but that's all you need to know.  If you have seen this movie, please contact me so that you can join the support group that I've started for those victims.  And let me be clear about one thing: I am not opposed to weird movies (those of you who knows me well enough, know that I enjoyed such films as Hard Candy, Teeth, Pan's Labyrinth, etc) and really love films of all kinds.  The previous two movies are the rare gems that I really would NEVER recommend to anyone.  Ever.
  3. I'm in the process of reading Scarpetta, one of the Kay Scarpetta novels by Patricia Cornwell.  I think I'm going to have to read teh series from start to finish, because although they can stand alone, I've invested enough time in previous novels to really get to know the characters.  AND I HAVE OBVIOUSLY MISSED SOME HUGE DEVELOPMENTS.
  4. I've been a bit under the weather today (low grade temperature and a pestering headache) and fully blame the random thoughts on that.
So on that note, I think I'll end this post of randomness.  Tomorrow, we will hopefully be back to our regular programming.  Good night and good luck.

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