Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year: Post 2

Raise your hand if you make New Year's Resolutions.


Fine.  You guys go ahead and be cowards and not fess up to it.

Cause I definitely do.

Of course, the real question is have I kept any of them?


Well, unless you count the fact that I did quit smoking...but I think that resolution was roughly three years prior to my actual quit date.

I love making resolutions and I tend to make them on a regular basis.  Zig Ziglar (OMG...LOVE HIM) said that every day is a new day so why wait to make changes?  (that is a SERIOUS paraphrase).  It's not that I don't continue to strive towards all of these resolutions and trust me, it's usually the same ones.  


I WILL STOP CONSUMING CAFFEINE (if you know me, you know how much this has epically failed).


What can I say?  I'm a work in progress.

When New Years rolls around though, I tend to go overboard.  This year, I'm going with the minimum and I thought I would share those with you today.

1. Minimize the worry and anxiety.
I am REALLY good at worrying and REALLY good at terrifying myself with anxiety.  I have been flying on airplanes since I was about 10.  Never really had a problem with it until I saw Final Destination.  That's when the anxiety started.  After 9/11, it got worse.  It's at the peak now.  During takeoff, I have to actually focus on not losing it.  I watched the first three episodes of American Horror Story (which by the way, I feel is a complete rip off of some of the storylines from the Ametyville series...that's right...series, not movie) and began seeing that weird demon face in the dark.
Ridiculous.  Trust me, I realize just how ridiculous all of this is.
I decided I don't want to spend so much time in 2012 shaking and worrying.  I know that I won't be able to completely quit so my goal is to minimize it.

2. Teach others how to treat me.
My aunt Heather is awesome.  She said to me over the holidays that we teach others how to treat us.  Don't assume that I'm focusing on this because other people treat me badly.  I just think it's an important philosophy to follow.  So I'll just add it to my repertoire.

3. Be authentic.
This has been my focus for about 4 years now.  Striving to just be me and be comfortable with that.  

Do you have any resolutions?  If so, care to share?

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