Sunday, January 9, 2011

Eat, Pray, Love

I believe I mention the book Eat, Pray, Love on my books galore list.  

I decided today to watch the movie based off of this book.  I'm not going to dwell on it because Julia Roberts does a great job again.

The problem I have with this book being turned into a movie is exactly what I thought I would have a problem with (lost my train of thought trying to verbalize that).  I found this book to be inspiring and uplifting, insightful and touching.  I think the task of attempting to translate what is in this book into a movie is far beyond the comprehension of what the movie industry is currently capable of.  I'll be the first to admit that I prefer books to movies any day.  I find that they leave a lasting mark whereas movies...not so much.  So why watch the movie if I was pretty sure that it wouldn't live up to my standards?
Good question.  One that I don't really have an answer for.

However, the movie did do the one thing that I wanted/needed it to do.  It was a reminder of the main pieces that touched me about the book.  Granted, there were many aspects of the book that touched me and many were lost in translation to the screen.  But the basics were what I was looking for.  The main one that I want to mention is the lesson in Italy. 

In her time spent in Italy, Gilbert learned the importance of pleasure.  I, personally, think that, as a whole, Americans are out of touch with this (and to spare any of you that want to argue, "as a whole" is another word for saying "majority" so yes, I acknowledge there are exceptions to this).  Many will argue and say that we know too much about pleasure.  I disagree.  What Americans are great at is instant gratification and in fact, I think we are addicted to it.  Whereas for Gilbert, in Italy, she learned to appreciate the pleasures in life.  We take them for granted.  One of the Italian men (and I'm taking this from the movie because I don't feel like digging through the book to find this part so I'm hoping that it's true to the book..either way, it supports my point) points out to Gilbert that Americans spend too much time working and then when they want to enjoy themselves, or indulge in "pleasure", their idea is to lay around in their pajamas all weekend, or have a "Miller" time with a six pack.  So rather than really lavish the pleasure of experiences, we rush through them because we are so glad to have that moment. 

I find it interesting that the majority of Americans rush through their food.  We barely take time to really enjoy the flavors and lavish in the meal that is before us.  Who cares if it's just a grilled cheese sandwich?  If you are going to eat it, shouldn't you actually take the time to enjoy that food?  It's nourishment that your body needs and you should let your tongue take the time to do a happy dance.  It's no wonder to me that Americans are struggling with a sordid amount of health issues that are related to diet and self care.  If we (as a whole) are in fact addicted the instant gratification drug, then what we are faced with is that immediate high that throws us down on our asses.  So we reach for the next instant gratification.  Rather than enjoy pleasures as an adult, we get stuck in the mindset of a four year old: "I want it NOW" (throw in a foot stomp and fist pump if you like).  I have read articles of other country's mocking Americans because we rush through things and it's hard to argue with that point.  We want it all and we want it NOW.  I could go into a whole theoretical rant right now about how the instant gratification drug ties in with the health issues which tie in with the theory that really, a lot of Americans don't take care of themselves because of a low self esteem issue, but I feel like a lot of people would quit reading this and I think I'll just save that for my thesis paper in grad school.

So, what does that long dribble which probably doesn't make much sense to you have to do with me?  I've felt myself going through a period of growth lately (and I'm not talking about the baby belly which is in indeed growing) and rather than rush myself through it, I'm allowing the time to savor it and figure out the direction that my character is going in.  Perhaps it is just motherhood kicking in.  In order to truly learn the lessons that are coming into my life right now, I'm taking the time to dwell on them and figure out what they mean for me and my future.  

It may just mean that in six months from now, it'll take me 15 minutes to eat a single grilled cheese because I'll be allowing my tongue to do a bit of a happy dance around the melted cheddar cheese.

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