Friday, September 9, 2011

A little dash...

The Shine Project is having a link up on random facts.  So here's my little dash of randomness:
  • I could beat anyone in a game of Saved By the Bell trivia.  Try me.
  • I presently have three books in the works.  Overachiever?
  • I once allowed a friend to tease my hair out, spray it red, then spray my body white and take pictures of me.
  • An ex of mine used to call me "pancake".
If you are new to my blog, thanks for stopping by!  I'd love to hear your comments and random tidbits about you! 


  1. Wait, were you naked for the pics??? lol! Although I don't think spraypaint all over the body is healthy, it must have been pretty funny.

    SBTB trivia...sounds like my kind of challenge!

  2. Haha I wasn't naked. I just had a sheet draped around me like a toga. And the paint was some kind of body/hair paint we picked up at Sally's.


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