Saturday, February 26, 2011


I realized earlier today that I haven't really posted an update on her lately.  I promise my personal life hasn't just completely dropped off the map.  So here is an update of our lives lately:

  • Eric has gotten a new job!  He's started working for a firm as a clerk and in the course of the next few months, he'll transition into a full time associate attorney handling immigration law cases.  It's a HUGE, I mean, GARGANTUAN opportunity for him.  Aside from the financial aspect of this position, I think it will really open up some doors for him.  Plus, his office is just a few blocks from mine so we might be able to sneak in a lunch together every now and then.  
  • Kaya is doing well.  We finally figured out how to get the trimmer to behave and gave her a trim that was DESPERATELY needed.  It's not the most adorable cut she's ever gotten but for an at-home do, it'll do (haha).
  • Mini Lee is progressing very well.  The kicking is something I'm going to have to get used it.  It still surprises me and it tickles to an extent as well.  We'll find out the sex of Mini Lee on March 7, however, several people have told me recently that it's a boy based on the way I'm carrying.  I love having that validation from people even if they don't have an MD following their name.
  • I got my hair cut this morning.  I know I know...I was going to donate to Locks of Love this year.  But my hair has not been doing well lately and it's possible that the products I've been using have been zapping it dry...or more dry than it is already.  Ugh.  Seriously.  My hair was so desperate for a cut that the ends she cut off were a DIFFERENT color from the rest of my hair.  And before you start assuming it's from hair dye, my hair hasn't been touched by hair dye in over three years.  And when it was, it was an almost black color.  It's a little shorter than I would have liked it but I'm relieved to have less weight on my head and that my hair actually feels healthy.  Sammy was awesome and really knew her stuff!  It was like being in Steel Magnolias; her salon is in her home and everyone there is friends and hangs out together outside of the salon.  Love it!
Other than that, everything is pretty much the same moving along smoothly.  We're still happy as clams here and have started to meet more people in the area.  Hopefully, we'll start developing some deeper friendships soon.  

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