Friday, December 31, 2010

And a Happy New Year to you too!

So who is excited about 2011??
*side note: for those wondering, yes we got internet access finally*
Moving on...
In my previous post, I made a comment in regards to New Years Resolutions.  Allow me to explain why I've never been a big fan.  It's simple, really.  I've never understood why people needed the new year to begin to make changes in their lives.  Zig Ziglar (love him!) made a comment about New Years resolutions and how it was silly to wait for the new year when every day was a new day to change.  So why wait?
Technically, I haven't waited for the new year to make my "changes" or start my "goals" for the new year.  I've been thinking about them for the last few weeks and slowly started them up.  Granted, 2011 will be a big year as I am pregnant with my first child.  And since every pregnancy is different for every woman, there's no real way for me to know what the next six months will bring for me, my body and our baby.  Plus, the last six months of the year will be filled with new parenting experiences with our first newborn.  So I'm not focusing on making monumental goals and/or changes (find a cure for cancer, paint a mural on a building, and build a car from scraps will have to wait until 2012).  Rather, baby steps is the way I'm looking at it.
So, without further ado, here are my goals for 2011:
  • finish writing my novel
  • pick up my clothes every day (yes I still throw them on the floor)
  • knock 10 items off of my bucket list (when January 11 hits, I will be able to scratch the blog off of the list...but never fear, I'll continue writing the blog)
  • write hand-written letters once a month (if you'd like to receive letters from me, let me know!)
  • finish my child development class by March ('s ridiculous that it's not done yet)
And that's pretty much it.  I'll probably start a gratitude posting on here once a week as well because I can appreciate how focusing on gratitude can certainly alter perception.  And who can't use a little pick-me-up every now and then?
That being said, I wish you all a safe, happy and joyous New Years Eve!  Stay safe and will someone please drink a glass of champagne for me?!

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