Monday, August 27, 2012

Today is August 27.

Apparently, I have no shame when it comes to avoiding writing in the blog.

Because, to be honest, I am avoiding.


I struggle with the level of honesty to use on the blog and all of the questions that weigh into that decision.  Why do I want to be so honest?  How much should I share and at what point is it inappropriate or just word vomit? Why am I actually keeping this blog?  What purpose do I want it to serve now?  At one point, it was a journal of sorts to keep friends and family posted on what we are doing in Colorado.  At times, it has served as a cooking adventure log or a craft log.  

So, now where to?

I'm just going to ruminate on that thought a bit longer.  In the meantime, here's a quick update on what's been going on:

  • We bought a condo.  We haven't closed yet but hopefully, we will be moving in about a month.  In the interim, I'm shuffling through tons of paint chips.
  • School started up again this morning.  
  • We traveled to Louisiana and Gulf Shores.  Stephen had his first experience in the Gulf and he loved it!  Yay!
  • Still working towards learning more about being a personal historian.

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