Sunday, March 27, 2011

List for today

I'm going to try to make today's list quick and painless.
Mainly because I have focaccia rising and granola bars in the oven.
Lessons learned:
  1. A dog can be one of the most amazing companions ever.
  2. Belly bands are great for the second and third trimester.  I don't have to worry about zipping or buttoning any pants because the band totally covers them up.
  3. Moist dough makes for a moist and soft bread.
  4. Breathing and relaxing through pain can make most of it go away (something I need to remember during labor).
  5. It's the little things that really matter in a relationship.  Like when he draws a bath for me, or when he kisses my pregnant belly, or cooks dinner for me.  It's the way he says "I love you" or agrees to learn to give pedicures so that when I can't touch my feet anymore, he'll keep my tootsies looking pretty.  
  6. Even though pregnancy isn't the most comfortable phases of my life, I think I'll miss feeling Stephen in my belly.  I'll miss having this special connection with him before anyone else.
  7. Love, whether it's between friends, family, or a lover, can be the greatest source of strength.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Sorry I've been MIA this week.  I find that I'm more tired than usual.  It may be because Stephen finds it entertaining to kick me awake at night.
I hope this isn't foretelling of years to come.
Moving on...
Our list today, brought to us by our friends at 30 Days of Lists, is on one of my favorite topics.
"Books I want to read this year"
  • All of them

Go ahead.  Roll your eyes.  I know you think I'm ridiculous.

Here's a look at our bookshelf currently:
There are, on average, 35 books per shelf.

I've read roughly 35 of those books.

Think I have some reading to do??

However, there are some books on these shelves that I plan on knocking out this year.

As long as I don't buy more to add to the list.

Who am I kidding?  We know that I will.

  • Complete Works of William Shakespeare
  • Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe
  • Grimm's Fairy Tales
  • Spiritual RX
  • Nothing Sacred
  • The Fountainhead (I can hear the I've never read it)
  • The Hamlet (I've never been able to get through a single work by Faulkner but I swear I will this year)
Looking at this list, I feel like I should get this list knocked out before Stephen arrives.  Because I most likely will not have time once my star kicker gets here.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dysfunctional Remake

My introduction to You Seriously Made That!?
 was this post:
Thanks to Char for that introduction.
I love that Cami, the blog's author, embraces her idiosyncracies.  So to celebrate with her, here are 6 ways you may be more functional than I am.
It's not a joke.  I cannot handle wet paper touching my skin.  It freaks me out immensely.  We're talking panic attack level.  Drying my hands with paper towels is a huge dilemma for me.

For those of you who are friends with me on facebook, you probably saw my recent post about eating a banana.  For those of you that don't know, I have avoided bananas like crazy for years.  Partially for the taste.  But mainly because the texture of the banana makes me gag.  It's mushy and doesn't lack real substance.  
Jello is another one.  I can't eat it...unless it's a jello shot and the perk of the shot aspect is the only reason why I'll swallow it.  But if you want me to sit down with Bill Cosby and snack on a bowl of jello, you and I are no longer friends.
I could keep going but I think you get the picture.

This is more of a warning to you.  You're welcome.

 Let me see if I can aptly explain this.  If there's a good jam that comes on the speakers in the store, you know, something like "Straight Up" by Paula Abdul, I'm likely to break it down while picking out my pasta.  I've been known to "drop it like it's hot" like the white girl I am while grabbing a gallon of milk.
 And just in case you are wondering, Eric does this every now and then although he may not admit to it.
I know I've mentioned my clinginess to books but I feel like it's important to reiterate how much this affects my life.  Most people give me a weird look when I start explaining my love of the written word, specifically IN PRINT (forget your silly e-reader, kindle-kiss-my-butt, technology).  I defend my love of books all the time.  I'll probably be 90 and still shoving actual books down people's throats as everyone else keeps trying to shove an e-reader in my hands.  I'll break it, I swear.

 At some point in my childhood, I convinced myself that the covers of the bed were protective.  Regardless if the "attacker" was a monster from under the bed or a burglar, as long as I was under the covers, I was safe from harm.  That stuck with me throughout my life and to this day, I can't have more than an arm and my head above the covers at night.  I get UBER paranoid if anything slips out.  And I'll wake up if anything slips out from under the covers.  It's quite a struggle if you share a bed with a cover hog.  And I'm referring to Kaya, my dog.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

List Time!

Today's list, from 30 Days of Lists, is a fun one and kind of makes me feel like I'm 13 again.
Celebrity Crushes:
image from

Justin Timberlake: I seriously might as well be 13 again listening to N Sync.

What's not to love about Ty?  He's got a strong jawline, a beautiful tummy, and the man builds houses!

I know.  It's not a long list.
I just had the most amazing thought:

What if you combined the two of them?
Dear God...

Saturday, March 19, 2011


This just in!!
That's right!  It's coming up!  I'll be participating in this blog week and I'm really excited about it!

Yes this means that I'll post everyday, and yes, those posts will be knitting/crochet related.
I'll also include updates about life amongst those posts as well.

So looking forward to it!

List Time!

Today's list kind of touches on a sensitive topic for me.
It's about food.
Specifically, recipes I want to try.
Let me preface my list with this note:
My list of recipes I want to try is endless.  It's disgusting and obscene.  If you don't believe me, I dare you to look in my google reader and check out how many of my "starred" or "shared" items are recipes.  Or how about you check out the binder on my counter that has at least 3-5 recipes per page that I may have made a total of 4 recipes.  That would be 4 recipes out of the entire binder.  Or you could also check out the really nice Microsoft Publisher document that I have that has over 200 recipes in it.
Yeah you thought I was kidding.
And yes, I do recognize I have a problem.  But hey, for someone who has an addictive personality isn't it better that I be addicted to collecting these recipes than meth?
Thought so.
Honestly, I think when Stephen is born, I'll end up cooking every chance I get for the weeks that I'll be home with him.  I may never lose the baby weight but God, I'm going to eat so well!
But I digress...
  1. Croissants: I love to bake and everyone that I've spoken with about croissants says they are difficult to master and take loads of time.
  2. Tiramisu: one of my all time favorite desserts.
  3. Beef Bourgignon: Really, I'd just like to live my own version of Julie and Julia and make every recipe in Julia Child's cookbook.
  4. Sushi: Not a particular type in mind but this is a cuisine that I would love to master!
  5. Popovers: it's kind of pathetic that I haven't ever made these because I hear wonderful things about them and I think there are only 6 or 7 ingredients in them.
Crepes and Beignets: I put these together because I want to make them for the same reason: my mom made them.  Well, and the crepes are a family tradition for Groundhog's Day and I STILL have not made them.  Shameful really.
Now it's time to go get ready and take on the day!  We are hitting up two estate sales this morning and I'm hoping that we get some goodies!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

List Time

I definitely skipped yesterday's list.

Sue me.

Today's List is:


  • Quilting
  • Embroidery
  • Dr. Seuss canvasses (these will go in Stephen's room)
  • Shelves
  • Wreath making
  • Sewing (okay technically, I've tried this and I can do it but I'm talking in the sense of actually making an outfit or article of clothing from scratch)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Procrastinated list

Technically, this list was supposed to be posted yesterday.  

image from
My bad.

So the list for today is Date Night Ideas.  Since we are living in good ole Colorado, these will be Colorado based ideas.  Oh and the directions on the list, which can be found here, explain that this list is not just for romantic dates, but can be friend dates, kid dates, etc.  So if you get confused about the list I'm about to create, that should explain it.
  1. Foodie tour of Cherry Creek (this isn't a set to be made up in advance).
  2. "Paw Print" Date:  I plan on doing this with Baby Stephen.  Essentially, it involves pillowcases or canvas, acrylic paint, his feet, my feet, and Eric's feet.
  3. Camera Play.  This would be more of a date with different friends.  Just us, the mountains and a really good camera.
  4. Morning hike followed by a picnic (technically, we did this already when we hiked to Gem Lake but I'd do it all over again every week).
  5. Spooky night at the Stanley Hotel: come on.  If you are a fan of The Shining why would you not want to do this?!
  6. Dinner on a rooftop with a private performance by a string quartet.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lists Lists Lists

That needs to be said.
I make a list of to-dos almost every day.
So of course, when I heard of 30 Days of Lists, I had to jump on board immediately.
I'm going to attempt to keep up with this on my blog every day.
Today's assignment is to write a wish list.  Here's mine:
  • Beasties
  • Learn to make time for my passions: cooking/baking, sewing, crocheting
  • a new camera
  • Cookbook on bread/pastries
  • new shoes
  • gift card to Joann's
  • gift card to Starbucks so I can feed my cravings for Frappucinos

Monday, March 7, 2011


I feel like this blog needs a dash of something.  Different fonts?  More color?  It just needs to be spiced up a bit more, don't you think?

Moving on to the update:
  • Eric started as an associate with his firm today!  This promotion was about two or three months premature from what we were expecting, and we are incredibly gracious for this!  It's a big deal for Eric's career, and for us.  I was given a tour of the office on Saturday and I'm a little jealous.  I've never seen an office atmosphere that had SO MUCH COLOR!  Even when I've gone into arts organizations; although the walls may have several amazing works of art on the walls, they are typically a cream or neutral color.  Most likely, this is to keep the colors of the wall from clashing with the art.  However, at the firm, the walls are red.  RED.  A couple of the rooms are different colors.  There's a beautiful sunflower yellow, dark blue, and something similar to an orange red.  Delicious.  I would love to have a home that has tons of color in it!
  • We found out Thursday that we are indeed having a baby boy.  Yay!  The ultrasound was so interesting!  Who knew that you could go so in depth with an ultrasound on a baby?  It's such an incredible experience to be able to see the organs of our baby and look at his brain!  HOW COOL IS THAT?!  We are both looking forward to the arrival of Stephen Thomas.
  • I'm in a bit of a conundrum.  As you all know, I have an obsession with my Google Reader.  I have starred and shared hundreds of articles at this point.  I'd like to figure out some kind of organizational system in order to keep track of what I'm collecting in my reader but aside from printing out all those articles and organizing them in a binder, I'm at a loss as to what to do.  Any ideas?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Library of mine...

I follow politics as much as I can.  However, I don't really care to discuss politics with people because I find that a lot of people will try to "sway" me to their side of the argument if I don't agree.  And frankly, if I have a rational reason for my stance, I don't want to argue with you about it. (this is where I would stick out my tongue to my adversary).

So, believe me, as much as the controversy in Wisconsin and the other states that are jumping on the bandwagon of doing away with collective bargaining makes me sad (sad because there are a ton of unhappy people in those states right now), I find Scott Walker's behavior hysterical.
Funny?  you ask.  How so?

Not that I claim to be an expert in politics whatsoever (although I do recognize I am a genius of the world) but I find it entertaining (in a bittersweet kind of way) to watch politicians now.  Many are SCRAMBLING to make decisions that are going to "slash their budgets" and at the same time, practically guarantee reelection for themselves.  But it seems to me that drastic times call for drastic measures.  Not that politicians should martyr themselves, but if they came up with a plan that, I don't know, actually encouraged future growth within their states rather than make decisions that yes, would help at some point, but that would be a long ways off (like slash budgets without creating any form of revenue to balance it) than perhaps, they would see some kind of flourish. that makes me think that doesn't make any sense.  

Regardless, I'm interested to see what Scott Walker's next move is.  After keeping the public out of his budget address yesterday, I'll be intrigued to see if he gets slammed with contempt.

I'll probably laugh...

But Scott Walker isn't really the topic I wanted to write about today.

"I think that we should start getting rid of some of our books."

Yes, those were the words spoken to me this past Saturday by the love of my life.

Shocking isn't it?

My precious books?  ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!

I have spent years working on my collection and breaks my heart that they are not all here with us but rather split up between here and our home state.  And now, suddenly he wants to start donating them because of a "lack" of space?  Ridiculous!


I can see the merit.  With Mini Lee on the way, I realize that space is an issue.  I also realize that cluttering a bookshelf with tons of books and knick knacks and pictures does not make a very attractive shelving unit ( be damned).  So I'm struggling.  If we had more storage space, I would make the argument to just pack some up in boxes.  But we are running out of room in there as well and will run out of more of it when we start shifting the apartment around for the baby.  

So, maybe one day, I'll get the courage up to donate some of the books.  But in the meantime, I think the fetal position in the middle of the floor throwing a temper tantrum over my resolution to keep them will suffice.
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